Message from Dr Markus Markert:
Born and raised in Germany and educated on „this royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, my journey through life has been a living testimony to the transformative and elevating power of a truly Anglo-German education - from my early years at school in the Teutonic heartlands to the doctorate under the dreaming spires of Oxford. To be sure, beyond the United Kingdom and Germany, the ancient and noble continent of Europe as a whole - teeming with people of all kinds, ports and cities humming with commerce, and universities passing on both cherished and revolutionary knowledge - will offer you boundless opportunities.
Yet, education is so much more than the academy as such. As the ancient Romans used to say: non scholae sed vitae discimus (we do not learn for school but for life). Over the course of my studies, I have realised that grades, whilst important, are not a sine qua non for individual success in life. Rather, it is the entire inventory of experiences, endeavours, and activities outside of school or university that makes a biography flourish and interesting. We at Anglo-German therefore take a holistic approach and help you develop, grow, and refine both your academic as well as extracurricular skills.
Message from Ms Samarah Sulaman Albu:
As the Co-founder of Anglo-German Education and the founder of UK Immigration Solutions Limited, I am now able to combine my passion for education and migration to ensure that education becomes more accessible.
My parents migrated to the UK in the 1970’s from Pakistan and I was born and bred in Lancashire. I moved to London in 2000 to pursue my career. It was my parents love of education that was instilled in me as a child and was integral to my education and professional success. The British education system is renowned, and we have a system which is respected and revered internationally. My parents’ migration in the 70’s paved the way for my success and highlighted the opportunities which arise when quality education is accessible to all and the heights an individual can achieve. I hold an LLB (Hons) and Legal Practice Course, PG Dip and following graduation I commenced working at Eversheds within the Education Litigation department before moving to London where I embarked on a career within multinationals including PwC, Ernst & Young and Fragomens, gaining invaluable experience in both corporate and immigration sectors.

As an experienced lawyer for UK Immigration Solutions Ltd, I have an affirmative approach to dealing with immigration matters involving clients and aim to achieve the most practical solution for the matter at hand aiming to ensure that all our client get the best possible service and are fully compliant with the current UK Immigration law.